Zone 2 Cardio: Unlock Your Aerobic Potential With This Low-Intensity Cardio Method
Zone 2 cardio, commonly known as low-intensity cardio or LISS, is gaining prominence after being overshadowed by HIIT and weightlifting-only workouts. However, what exactly is zone 2 cardio, and what are the reasons to contemplate doing it?

Zone 2 refers to the heart rate training zone associated with low-intensity exercise. Runners may refer to it as “easy pace” or “long slow distance pace,” while cyclists can relate it to zones 2 and 3 of a seven-zone mechanical power system. In other sports like swimming and rowing, it is commonly denoted as “low-intensity” exercise.
Its constant, relatively modest pace makes Zone 2 different from other exercises. You don’t have to undertake high-intensity intervals followed by rest. Instead, you maintain a constant heart rate of roughly 70% throughout your workout. Examples of zone 2 cardio include running, cycling, swimming, rowing, brisk walking, rollerblading, and using an elliptical machine.
This exercise is a fantastic strategy to increase your aerobic base because it helps your body to grow more capillaries and mitochondria to fuel each muscle cell. It also enhances the enzymes that convert meals into useful energy, allowing your heart, lungs, and muscles to take in more oxygen and nutrients.

Runners benefit from this form of training since it helps them gain fitness, recover from more strenuous efforts, and increase their weekly mileage. Zone 2 cardio can help strength-oriented athletes recuperate between sets and boost their work capacity. It’s a great approach to maintaining heart health for individuals searching for moderate exercise, and it can be done safely even if you have medical concerns.
When you’re in zone 2, you’ll feel like you’re working but not too hard, and you’ll be able to hold a conversation without feeling out of breath. It’s a quick pace that shouldn’t feel too effortless, but you should be able to keep it up for an extended length of time without tiring.